How do I regularise my residence in Portugal under the Withdrawal Agreement?

UK nationals and their family members residing in Portugal during the transition period, until 31st December 2020, who wish to continue residing in the country, must regularise their stay in national territory under the Withdrawal Agreement, as follows:

  • If they already hold a European Union Registration Certificate issued by the City Council and/or a European Union Certificate of Permanent Residence issued by SEF, they must request that a new residence permit confirming their resident status in Portugal under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement replace their current residence document.

  • If they have not taken steps to regularise their documents before the end of the transition period, they must apply for a residence permit appropriate to their stay in Portugal, under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement.

  • Both types of requests should be submitted at any time via the e-mail box created for this purpose – Caixa BREXIT – available from:

  • Partilhar

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